Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ring Ring, The Cold War On Line Two

Ronald Wilson Reagan was many things to many people, from The Great Communicator to The Anti-Christ. Whether you love or hate him, you have to admit after the last batch of clowns, a couple Bush's and a Clinton, that Reagan was the last president who truly believed what he was doing would benefit ordinary Americans and the country as a whole. He wasn't out to please anyone but his own conscience. No foreign lobby, no wealthy cronies, no handler ever told him what to do. He was 'The Duke' and during a time when Russian generals were considering pushing their way into Western Europe the same way they pushed into Afghanistan, his cowboy ways really scared the liberal elite.

What we need to remember is that Reagan didn't come into office and start making nuclear bombs. There were 30 years of bombs, crazy statesmen on both sides and faulty warning systems that truly brought us to the brink of destruction. (That last link is the story of a true hero.)

So what did Reagan do? When the world called for disarmament, he started SDI and scared the pants off the Soviet Union. So much so that they offered to defuse every nuclear device they possessed if we stopped research. Reagan, convinced he had the right answer refused their offer and maxed out our National Credit Card to continue research. The Soviets couldn't keep up with our spending. Especially after they saw the price tag on the Stealth Fighter.

It's just too bad that the ABM Missile Defense System doesn't work.


Blogger Dean ASC said...

My point with this is that there are far more complex problems then a simplistic, one-dimensional view can comprehend. Yes the Cold War was a measure of Humanity's Insanity but also a valid problem that many people worked at, with the data they had, to bring a solution that made sense to them. The solution may not have been optimal but I don't see any of my critics offering a better option.

Jun 1, 2006, 8:52:00 PM  
Blogger Kevin Wolf said...

Reagan was the last president who truly believed what he was doing would benefit ordinary Americans and the country as a whole. He wasn't out to please anyone but his own conscience. No foreign lobby, no wealthy cronies, no handler ever told him what to do.

This is patently, ridiculously untrue.

Jus' sayin.'

Jun 2, 2006, 8:33:00 AM  
Blogger Bry said...

Amen Kevin!

Jun 3, 2006, 5:38:00 PM  
Blogger American Interior Monologue said...

Yeah, at the time, Reagan's Speechwriter was my best-friend's aunt, and all I ever heard about was how Michael Deaver was a genius in the way he packaged video to be used on the nightly news. The only press-ops allowed were pretty, and from a distance. Then Peggy wrote the pretty words for the pretty HERITAGE FOUNDATION controlled policies. It was one big-beautiful Marlboro ad without the cigarettes.

Jun 4, 2006, 10:22:00 AM  

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